About me

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dorota Iwaszczuk (PhD)

I am Professor at TU Darmstadt and lead the Remote Sensing and Image Analysis Group. My research interests focus on sensor fusion, semantic labeling, deep learning, 3D reconstruction, pattern recognition, IR-thermography, and crowdsourcing. In my PhD thesis, entitled “Automatic texturing of 3D models of urban areas using image sequences from airborne TIR cameras” I investigated, among others, the influence of statistical uncertainties on the co-registration of 3D building models and thermal image sequences. I also worked with data fusion, including fusion of hyperspectral images with digital surface models, multi-scale fusion of thermal images, smartphone data fusion as well as on semantic labeling and creation of 3D indoor models. In the first half of 2018 I was on sabbatical leave at the Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, USA working on the project “From Point Clouds and Images to Semantic Information: A Case Study for Indoor-Outdoor Building Modeling”. Subsequently, I continued my research work on semantic labeling, deep learning and indoor-outdoor mapping at the Technical University of Munich.

Research interests

Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, Computer Vision, IR-Thermography, Image Processing, Sensor & Data Fusion, 3D-Szenen-Analyse, Semantic Segmantation


Oct. 2009 – May 2015 | PhD in Photogrammetry und Remote Sensing | Technical University of Munich
Oct. 2003 – Jul. 2008 | Master of Science in Geodäsie und Kartographie | AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland

Current position

since Mar. 2019 | Professor of Remote Sensing and Image Analysis | Technische Universität Darmstadt


See my full résumé



1. Prize from the Student Council for Civil, Environmental and Geo Engineering, TUM in the category exercise for course Introduction to MATLAB in WS 2017/18

DAAD research scholarship for postdoctoral scientists

Scholarship for female doctoral candidates “Chancengleichheit für Frauen in Forschung und Lehre”

DAAD research scholarship for doctoral candidates in Germany („DAAD-Forschungsstipendium an einer deutschen Hochschule mit dem Ziel einer Promotion in Deutschland“)

Honorable mention in the competition „Diamenty AGH“ („Diamonds of AGH“) for the best Master’s thesis in academic year 2007/2008 at AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland

Prize from Polish Infrastructure Minister for excellent Master’s theses

Honorable mention as best student in competition Pirmus Inter Pares, AGH


Working Groups
12/2016 – now
Co-Chair of ISPRS WG I/10: Sensor systems verification, benchmarks, evaluation
12/2012 – 07/2016
Secretary of ISPRS WG I/2: LiDAR, SAR and Optical Sensors for Airborne and Spaceborne Platforms

Technical Committees

  • ISPRS TC I Mid-term Symposium, 9-12 Oktober 2018, Karlsruhe
  • ISPRS TC I Mid-term Symposium, 17-20 November 2014, Denver (CO), USA

Technical Session Chair

  • Session Chair: „Poster Session“. ISPRS TC I Mid-term Symposium, 9-12 Oktober 2018, Karlsruhe
  • Session Chair: “LiDAR, SAR and Optical Sensors for Airborne and Spaceborne Platforms 4”. XXII ISPRS Congress. Prague, Czech Republic (2016-07-16)
  • Session Chair: “LiDAR, SAR and Optical Sensors for Airborne and Spaceborne Platforms 1”. XXII ISPRS Congress. Prague, Czech Republic (2016-07-13)
  • Session Chair: „Poster Session“. PIA15-HRIGI15. Munich, Germany (2015-03-25)
  • Session Chair: “Lidar Technology and Industry, ISPRS Working Group I/2”. ISPRS Mid-Term Symposium. Denver, USA (2014-11-18)

Associate Editor of Scientific Journals:

  • Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing

Reviewer of Scientific Journals:

  • ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
  • IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (JSTARS)
  • IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS)
  • Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing (PE&RS)
  • Remote Sensing

Local Organizing Committee Member

  • Photogrammetric Image Analysis (PIA11), München
  • Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE 2011), München